JOWA RO Water Maker -Reverse Osmosis Split system 3,2T-5,5T SEA
Split system for easy installation
High pressure piping system in SS316L material
Extra silent
Salinity control system with automatic 3-way valve
Auto flush system after each stop, via active carbon filter
Low pressure switch inlet HP pump
Hi-Capacity 10” 5micron feed water filter
Communication features: TCP/IP, MODbus, CANbus, RS232, RS485, USB and more
High quality HMI colour touch graphic display
Robust Marine Design
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JOWA RO Reverse Osmosis Fresh Water Maker produces excellent potable water using Reverse Osmosis technology. Reverse Osmosis desalination is among the finest levels of filtration available. The RO membrane generally acts as a barrier to all dissolved salts and inorganic molecules. Water molecules, on the other hand, pass freely through the membrane creating a purified product stream. Rejection of dissolved salts is typically 98% depending on factors such as membrane type, feed composition, temperature and system design.
JOWA RO 3,2-5,5T Sea is a split version of for easy installation in small vessels and designed for tough marine evironment. Easy access for maintenance and ergonomic operational design.
Capacity is 3,2 tonnes or 5,5 tonnes potable water per day. Continuous monitoring and automatic rejection of the product flow depending on salinity value. Full production with a seawater temperature between 13-35C° and a TDS of
35 000ppm (salinity).
The unit can be equipped with remote access from a tablet or mobile phone. Unique design with top quality HMI interface. User friendly touch screen prepared for communication on Ethernet, PROFIbus, CANbus, MODbus and more.
Pre/post treatment and options
- CIP cleaning tank
- Re-hardening filter
- UV sterilizer or Silver Ion Sterilizer
- Feed pump or Feed valve
Product Inquiry
Green passport/ MD and SDoC