Be a part of eliminating plastic bottles in our oceans! Check out our new product JOWA Safe Water made for marine!

Plastic pollution in the ocean is in focus now. Did you know that a crew of 15 can consume 10,000 1,5 l plastic bottles per year? Plastic bottles are expensive, occupy space onboard and create a headache when they are to be disposed of.

Plastic pollution in the ocean is in focus now. Did you know that a crew of 15 can consume 10,000 1,5 l plastic bottles per year? Plastic bottles are expensive, occupy space onboard and create a headache when they are to be disposed of.


We at JOWA think “Why buy plastic bottled water? Why not use the water onboard?”


Therefore, we proudly introduce JOWA Safe Water!


JOWA Safe Water filters the existing water onboard to 100% pure drinking water guaranteed free for viruses and bacteria. Crew and passengers can safely drink the water onboard distributed cold or hot from our water dispensers.

JOWA Safe Water

JOWA is specialist in water treatment and protection of the marine environment. We have supplied the maritime industry for more than 60 years with products which are designed to contribute to the global ecology by protecting the marine environment with the latest and best technology.

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