JOWA 3SEP - Oily Bilge Water Separator
15 ppm type approved in accordance with IMO MEPC 107(49) & DNV GL Class Programme DNVGL-CP-0208-Type Approval, 5 ppm Bilge Water Separators
Does not require any chemicals
Plug n' play, easy installation for retrofit
Capacity range 0.5 - 10 m3/h
Can easily be connected to JOWA EBU
Tanks made of stainless steel, AISI 316L
Approvals; DNV, CCS, USCG, KR & RMRS
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Jowa Oily Water Separator is available in five different capacities; 0.5 m3/h, 1.0 m3/h, 2.5 m3/h, 5.0 m3/h and 10.0 m3/h. The skid is optimised so that the footprint of the 3SEP OWS is as small as possible. The 1m3/h model pictured has a footprint of only 950 x 760mm.
The system is designed for a continuous flow with automatic operation. JOWA 3sep Oily Water Separator does not require any chemicals.
The first stage removes the free oil by gravity with the help of coalescence plates. An adjustable oil sensor controls the valve for automatic oil release to the sludge tank or any other dedicated tank. The adjustable oil sensor makes it possible to minimise the amount of treatable water released to the sludge tank.
In the second stage emulsified oil is removed in the two filter tanks and the ppm value is monitored by a 15-ppm bilge alarm, before the treated water is discharged overboard. The collected free oil on top of each filter tank is released automatically to the sludge tank at a pre-set interval. When a 15 ppm alarm occurs, the system will automatically close the overboard line and re-circulate the treatable water to the bilge. When the contamination falls below 15 ppm the overboard valve will open again without user intervention.
The Oily Water Separator is designed as a skid assembly with all connection points collected, for easy installation. When the Jowa Oily Water Separator reaches the customer the only remaining thing to do is to connect water inlets and outlets and the electrical power supply, facilitating quick and easy installation onboard. Before leaving our workshop each unit has to pass a quality-test, where all functions are tested.
All equipment is of the highest quality; the tanks are made of acid proof stainless steel, AISI 316L. Our pumps are internationally recognised brands. Spare parts are easily available from one of our offices or hubs/depots worldwide.
Product Inquiry
Green passport/ MD and SDoC