JOWA - Hydrophore & Calorifier
Stainless steel design
Special size on request
C/W control cabinets
All major class approvals
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JOWA produces a wide variety of hydrophore or pressure boosting units for ship and offshore use. Pressure vessels, circulation pumps and other equipment can be provided separately or as complete, ready-mounted units with pump, control cabinet piping and valves.
JOWA Calorifiers are among the most efficient and durable on the market, with customers throughout Europe and Asia. The equipment can be adopted to suit different. A variety of standard sizes from 100L to 3000L are available. Our products come ready-connected with control cabinet, heating elements and thermostats. Alternative heating sources and circulation or pressure boosting pumps can also be provided.
Product Inquiry
Green passport/ MD and SDoC Hydrophore
Green passport/ MD and SDoC Calorifier